Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Art of Allowing Workshop; Abraham-Hicks, Part 2

The moment the girl in the pink sweatshirt (and I'm calling her this because I didn't get her name, even though we did speak later on) poured out her emotions, I KNEW she was the reason I was there. Here's why. I had been feeling some doubt about the change of the name of my blog from the Healing Raw Beauty Blog to Edible Goddess even though I've received amazing support and feedback about it. I had concerns that people would assume I was referring to myself as the Edible Goddess, when really what I am trying to do here is empower others to feel good about themselves via what you put in your mouth and on your skin. That's right, empowerment through raw Superfoods and raw edible beauty, and education based upon the non-sugar-coated (no milk-toast as some friends would say) truth, which seems to be lacking among some health care practitioners.

And so, we all sat there watching this sweet girl bare her heart searching for a way to feel better. I want to feel good, she was saying. I want to feel good about myself. Every single woman (and man) in that audience could relate, and I know this without having even spoken to any of them about this. Who doesn't want to feel comfortable in their own skin? Don't we all desire to feel like we're enough? Yet, whose standards are we living by... someone else's, or our own critical minds? And why aren't we all the most ridiculously happy people on the planet always having the best day ever? Well, I agree w/ what Abraham says: Make peace with where you are... and maybe we'll get there.

I've been super fortunate to have come to the level of self-love that I think escapes many. Edible Goddess is the platform for which I share what I've learned through life experience, self-study of raw foods, Superfoods, and raw beauty, along with the material of those who've paved the way and are truly happy in their life. My intention is that others see the potential within themselves and all the possibilities that actually exist.

After a short break to mingle in the lobby and scurry to find additional books and materials offered at nice discounts, I decided I had no choice but to go over and tell her how fantastic she was for bravely sitting in the hot seat and what I took from it. I gave her my website in hopes she would have the chance to read over this story and come to know the impact she's had on refining my mission in life and therefore thousands of others to come. Thank you immensely girl... if you are reading this, just know that you are perfect as you are! We all want to feel self-appreciation, you just happen to be the one to bring it to our attention in a most powerful way.

I no longer have any doubts whatsoever that this was the right move for this blog and business name change and am actually feeling quite proud that I'm taking this on. Being pure on the inside and outside is a major accomplishment, certainly isn't always easy, yet the rewards are beyond what could be described with words. There's a whole new meaning to mind, body, and soul/spirit after living what I now call the Raw Superfood Edible Goddess Lifestyle. My previous business name/company, Organic Healing, and the Healing Raw Beauty Blog has merged and is now Edible Goddess.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Art of Allowing Workshop; Abraham-Hicks, Part 1

Two weeks ago, I was blessed enough to go to the Art of Allowing workshop with Abraham-Hicks. I'd heard about it months ago that Jerry & Esther were coming to Seattle and I jumped on the chance to see this event in person. I had written it in my datebook and could have sworn I bought a ticket, only to realize literally the night before the event at about midnight when I thought to confirm and print out the email receipt that I couldn't find it anywhere. Had I not bought the ticket? Guess not... and in my excitement, I must've somehow let it slip by as time passed.

And so I went anyway, knowing that I was meant to be there, for whatever reason I did not yet know, but knowing it was going to be big - I mean this is an in-person experience with the material I've been feverishly studying since February! They couldn't find my proof of paid purchase and so I paid the extra to get in because at that point I didn't care what it cost. All I wanted was to get in and felt lucky to even get standing room (all of this was happening within 5 mins of the start of the event!). How did the super-tall usher manage to get me a seat then in the 4th row, directly center of the stage? Manifestation baby...

It began as all the CD's do, with Esther quieting her mind and allowing Abraham to come through. The energy of the room was quiet after the hundreds of people stopped chatting, sat in their seats and awaited the answers they came for. The first person to be called upon (which is the coolest thing ever how it's done, with Esther pointing 'over here', and dozens standing, and that 1 person knowing it's them that's being called to the 'hot seat', which was literally taped & secured to the floor) was the girl in the pink sweatshirt.

She began overly enthusiastic about her new understanding of the Abraham-Hicks material and the revelations that lifted the cloud of her previous thinking. Due to the audio CD's and reading the books, her perspectives had seemed to change for the positive, with just 1 aspect still needing great work. She spoke about her desire as an actress and her frustrating encounters with those in the position who made the decision that she was not ever right (thin enough, beautiful enough, perfect enough) for the roles she auditioned for. What did she need to do to not only get the parts, but also to recognize these unrealistic ideals, and to accept herself just as she was?

A very difficult feat seeing as though acting is an industry that picks you apart and strips you down, making you feel as though you are not enough, from where you currently stand. I know I was not the only one in that audience looking at this beautiful girl in the pink sweatshirt thinking these 'superiors' were crazy for not hiring her! She exuded such initial confidence until she expressed her heartfelt pain rooted in outside judgment. Her inner and external beauty absolutely could not be denied. How could they make her feel any less and why was she even listening to these people? I was disgusted with these people for making her feel this way and sob tears of disappointment in herself in front of hundreds of us, our unfamiliar faces.

Abraham pulled to the core of the issue... what was the emotion that she was feeling? She said disappointment. Frustration. Dissipated hope. Anger. Minutes later, Abraham knew these just scratched the surface. Give us more. What really describes the way you're feeling? SELF-HATRED, SELF-LOATHING. My heart sank when she said this and I felt the energy in the room shift to even more overwhelming compassion. I wanted to run up and give this girl the biggest hug ever as she wiped her tears, showing no fear, just deeply yearning for self-acceptance.

TO BE CONTINUED... (soon, I promise!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Green Chocolate Chia Pudding

As weird as it sounds, I've had 16 ounces of chia seeds chillin in my fridge for so many months that I can't even remember when I bought them. I'm guessing it was about 9-12 months ago (yikes!). Now that I know about them and what to do with them, I realize how silly it was that I let my lack of knowledge (particularly with how to make a real yummy dish) get in the way. Within days of each other, a friend listed a chia pudding recipe on her blog and another friend let me try his off the hook chocolate chia pudding. I was instantly hooked and thought this would be a great replacement for my old favorite of hot creamy buckwheat cereal in the old days.

On my road trips to the shows I work where I educate the thirsty people with jam-packed Superfood information and shower them with samples that leave them awestruck and craving more, I eat my chia pudding. I get my inexpensive chia (1 lb for only $9) from Mountain Rose Herbs, where I also get tons of loose leaf herbs for medicinal teas, spices, roots, and ingredients to make homemade raw Superfood skincare.

My favorite version is one with both fresh and dried fruit and loaded with a Superfood green powder and cacao. This is so satiating keeping my belly content for approx. 5 hrs. Keep in mind, I do eat a small glass Tupperware container of chia pudding over the course of about 30-45 mins because too much can be too filling and I want to know when I've had enough. Chia expands!

(this is what I like; adjust to amounts good for you)
4 T chia seeds
pour in the homemade Brazil nut mylk (like you would over cold/hot cereal) - it will absorb well and you'll need to add more; you can let it gel together or keep adding more until it's more like the cereal you remember
add some Inca Berries (hands-down my fav way to eat Inca's)
add some raisins or Goji Berries (you can soak them a bit first if you like)
add some fresh mango
add some fresh blueberries
add some fresh strawberries
OR - whatever seasonal farmer's market fruit you've picked up that's fresh and ripe
add a spoonful of HealthForce's Manna Spirulina (I prefer it to Azteca)
add a spoonful of raw cacao powder
swirl of raw local honey

I find that simple recipes for new things work best for me so that I'm not overwhelmed by including it on a regular basis (or so that I don't 'forget' about it in the fridge for too long). I'd love to hear your ideas of easy ways to enjoy chia!

Angela Stokes held a creative chia pet contest on her blog recently and my friend Eranah won! There's so many things you can do w/ this nutrient-dense seed - have fun and experiment, and learn more about it at Mtn Rose Herbs website.

Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c




Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Raw Superfood Potluck & Party w/ Chad Ashley Vandenberg from Elements for Life

Chad Ashley Vandenberg is flying up here for just one night to be with us for a killer raw food potluck and Superfood party on Lake Washington, this Saturday! If you've been wanting to try out Superfoods in not only smoothies and desserts, but also your meals, or if you already eat these divine nutrient-dense foods every day and want to party Elements for Life style, then come ready for a super rawkin party!

This is a rare opportunity to have him here and we really hope you can make it! Bring your raw food and Superfood lovin' friends and join the fun as we gather to share delicious food prepared w/ love, enjoy excellent conversations, and embrace the Superfood love!

The address of this event is at a private residence and will be sent to you upon RSVP. It will be held at a private residence on Lake Washington with gorgeous views and plenty of space for everyone (we are estimating approx 100 people). SPREAD THE WORD... THIS EVENT IS NOT TO BE MISSED!

We are not charging a fee to attend this event, but are asking for a $10-15 donation only. Please bring a raw food dish (appetizer, smoothie, drink, dessert, meal - whatever!), just something to share w/ your old & new friends. Please make it raw, vegan and organic.

Please call me if you have any questions about the SUPER RAWKIN PARTY: 360-319-0654. Mia Dalene, David Hempseed and I are co-hosting - so feel free to contact any of us between now and then if needed!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Healing Raw Beauty Blog is now Edible Goddess!

I made this announcement just a few days ago on Twitter and Facebook because I really couldn't keep it to myself any longer, but now it's official. I started this blog on July 4, 2008 and it's been called the Healing Raw Beauty Blog ever since. Although that's exactly what the blog is about, healing your body with raw and Superfoods resulting in inner and outer beauty, it's time for a change to fully capture the essence of this lifestyle.

Here's a brief list of the reasons why I felt the name change was necessary and what is the core meaning of Edible Goddess:

* This is all about empowering YOU.

* Don't you want to know the most direct and quickest path to feeling comfortable in your own skin? Isn't it time already?

* I am very driven to share how you can embrace the Edible Goddess mentality and physicality (which will continuously unfold as it has over the past year).

* You are what you eat; you become what you eat... and you cannot escape this no matter where you go or what excuses you make. This is a universal truth.

* You can regenerate your entire being in a matter of months and years and become that which you've always wanted - oooh, the power (there is SO MUCH power that you hold when you take control of your own health & it's exhilarating to see the depth and levels it can go)!

* I am on a mission to help women feel comfortable in their own skin without the NEED for make-up.

* After adopting the raw Superfood Edible Goddess lifestyle you'll carry the essence of being & feeling edible as if someone were to take a bite out of you (or just a sweet kiss) they needn't be concerned about what has touched their mouth. I know this is quite blatant and in your face, but do you desire to kiss someone's (or your own) face or body that's caked w/ foundation and powder, sprayed with synthetic fragrance, and covered in paraben-infused lotions? All of that just seems to cover up the beauty that hides within.

* This is truly about getting everything you've ever wanted for yourself - and OWNING it. Make it yours and carry yourself with that inner strength, radiance, and energy that's so eye-catching! Don't you notice when someone walks by with an air of confidence (not arrogance) and their belief in themselves is obvious?

* Edible Goddess is about building inner confidence, creating irresistible sex appeal, and evolving into the best you possible.

I'd like to be clear that the name change of my blog is not a reflection of just what I personally strive for - it's really about you and showing you that this mindset and comfort within yourself is actually possible and not just a dream. Everyone wants to feel and look their best and the obvious way to achieve this is by taking advantage of what we put into our mouths and onto our body. If we take control instead of allowing outside influences to overrule, then we're golden.

In the next couple months Edible Goddess will have a different look (do you have ideas?), and the focus remains the same: Educate the people on the countless ways to use Raw Foods, Superfoods, Fresh Vegetable Juices, and Raw Edible Skin Care to achieve everything you've always wanted for yourself... superior internal health and flawless external beauty. Sending sooo much gratitude to YOU for reading this and sharing it with your friends if you feel they'll enjoy my blog!