New opportunities are coming at me left and right, and I'll lay much of it right here so we can see what I'm up to these days together!
1) I've just organized the brand new Seattle Superfood Nutrition Meet-up Group and am amazed at the amount of members flocking to sign up! I'm not sure why, but I had been procrastinating creating this group (fear of .. ?) - and now that I have, I'm elated to see all of us join together in honor of the best foods on the planet (Superfoods, of course)! It's REALLY exciting right this very minute as the emails pour in for new member sign-ups!! Woo hoo! This seems to be an ideal way to build local community, share what I do, and meet more like-minded friends. We'll treat ourselves to my personal fav chocolate blendies, raw cacao desserts (superfood fudge, for sure), shots of Gold Rush, superfood snickety-snacks, and marine phytoplankton, until we drop. All creations will be homemade, raw, organic, superfood-loaded to the rim, and beaming with beauty! Check out the link and join us for our 1st Meet-up on Sunday Jan 25, at my house:
2) As a holiday gift to myself, I joined the Elements for Life Superhero Team! I watched the 2 videos and immediately knew this was THE opportunity that would mesh perfectly well with everything else I am doing. It was an obvious decision for me: I eat superfoods every day and therefore much appreciate getting them at wholesale (who says you can't save mass cash on a raw/living/superfood diet?). The site created just for Superheros (distributors) is off the hook. I have the same giddy excitement about this as when I first began to eat high raw - (swimming in raw food nutrition books and uncookbooks, etc) - it all just feels really right. For me, this dream opportunity of starting a Superfoods business makes complete sense - another stream of income with huge possibilities, working with the Avocado himself, and the blessing of having the top Superdogs take care of virtually everything (entrepreneurs will tell you that it's the minor, yet required, time-consuming daily tasks that slow things down, until you are out-sourcing). I don't have to worry about any of that .. and I get to share the best foods in the world and watch how it changes THEIR world. That's priceless! I'll post a thorough review of Elements for Life and the life-affirming products soon! To read more Superhero goodness:
3) Beginning at the end of this month, I am officially a student again! I joined Karen Knowler's Raw Food Classes Home Study Program and cannot contain my EXCITEMENT! Another decision, based on an inner knowing that this is perfect for me and will bring me to the next level as an Educator. The Program is all about learning to teach raw food classes - definitely something I've been looking forward to for some time and now with the proper guidance and technique ... I feel golden (especially with the addition of #4)!
4) To continue learning from Karen, this next program that has presented itself is called the Raw Professionals. This could very well be 'the' thing that tips me over the edge. To have this come into my life, business coaching with a raw foods coach (and not just a raw foods coach, but THE UK's Raw Food Coach), is literally what I've been asking for. Enough said. Ask and you shall receive. Believe it people!
5) After wrapping up the end of the year programs, I now have 5 openings available for my Healing Wellness Programs - either the 21 Day Turn-Around or the 90 Day Knock-Out. Because it's that time of year when everyone makes resolutions and doesn't stick to them, I am making it my mission to make sure 5 of you DO stick to the goals you set for 2009 and help you to start off on the right track. The Special New Year, New Intention Discount is a whopping 25% off either program. Only 5 people will be accepted to begin work in January. Refer to this blog post when contacting me to receive your discount.
Which one of these am I most excited about? As I listed these off, I'd think 'ooh, ooh, this one!', but really it's all of them for so many different reasons! It's like the universe has thrown at me the very best, top-notch opportunities and they've landed right in my lap. For 2009, I see a very bright future regarding my contribution to the raw foods and superfoods movement. And the best news? This is just the 1st half of the list (Part 1)! The 2nd half will be heading your way in just a few short days.
test post 3
3 years ago
Way to go Bethanne! I'm still working on your interview too. I'll let you know when it's up ;)