JavaDog at 10 weeks (he'll be 4 yrs young on 1/25/2010)
As a fully devoted and dedicated living Superfoodist, I feel that our closest friends and family members, our beloved animals, deserve the best food ever just as we do. It's important to give them the highest quality food, treats, and bones available. Providing our furry friends with *wild* food will do the same thing that eating raw foods does for humans - prevent illness and dis-ease, automatically reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system (and all other systems) naturally. There are countless reasons to feed your animals the raw food diet and what I've mentioned is hardly touching on the benefits.
JavaDog and EmmyCat are my best furry friends and I refuse to compromise what I feed them just as much as I do for myself. It would not be in line with my values if I fed myself the best foods ever, and then gave them processed kibble or canned food. In the wild, animals do not have can openers to open canned food or processing facilities to create their kibble. I like to give them food that gets as close to the kind of food that they'd have if they were foraging food themselves in the wild.
Dogs can apparently thrive and be vegetarians, whereas cats are natural carnivores; each have different nutrition requirements. Yet, after a great amount of research, I've come to the conclusion that feeding both dogs and cats raw meat with vegetables and (if you want your animals to be Super Animal Heros, then also Superfoods) is their ideal diet. Just like with my food choices, things can change, but for the most part their diet is consistent and they happily devour every little morsel I feed them.
And so, I feed my sweet animals (who drink only fresh spring water when at home):
JavaDog - AKA: the most beautiful, special dog ever (80 lbs of muscle)
* Primal Pet Foods, variety of flavors for maximum nutrition (2 lbs daily)
* Avocado (1/2 of one plus spoonfuls of my homemade Creamy Dreamy Green Goddess Dressing)
* Salmon Oil (1 pump per meal)
* Coconut Oil (every so often, but not daily)
* Green Mush: animal version of HealthForce's Vitamineral Green; (1 spoonful per meal)
* Blue Green Algae (sprinkle in most, but not all meals)
* Marine Phytoplankton (1/2 droppersful per meal)
* Deer Antler Velvet from Surthrival (few drops daily)
* Zeolites to remove heavy metals: daily squirt (1/2 droppersful) of liquid and sometimes additional powder from HealthForce;
* Mushroom powder: currently New Chapter's Host Defense, but soon to be a homemade mix of shrooms; 4 capsules per meal to remedy tick bites now that we live in CA
* Snacks - WildSide Salmon Treats, free-range bully sticks, and raw bones
EmmyCat - AKA: Princess of the Palace (7-8 lbs of cuddle to the max) ~
* Primal Pet Foods, variety (1-2 tbsp per meal) - she also catches birds, mice, etc - the typical wild Superkitty behavior
* Salmon Oil (1 pump per meal)
* Green Mush - tiny sprinkling (too much and she won't eat it, so we've got to disguise it w/ the salmon oil & bonito flakes)
* Blue Green Algae (pinch)
* Marine Phytoplankton (1-2 drops per meal)
* Deer Antler Velvet (1 drop per meal)
* Zeolites to remove heavy metals (few drops per meal)
* Mushroom powder (pinch)
* Snacks - WildSide Salmon Treats, bonito flakes and organic catnip (we even got seeds for catnip to plant this Spring for Emmy!)
Sure, the consideration of cost is an issue for many, but I firmly believe that we (animals included) either pay now or later (ok - they don't technically 'pay' the $$, but you get what I mean). It makes no sense to feed them processed crap and then medicate them later because they've gotten some health problem that could have been prevented if enough attention was given to their true needs. Cost will always be the excuse for many, and if that's what stands between you and stellar health, then I suggest you re-visit your priorities and really take a look at where you spend your money (every dollar) to see if there are ANY unnecessary spending habits that come between you and a budget that allows for top-notch food and supplements (aka: raw foods and Superfoods).
Other brand names that I know and love (and have used previously) are: Nature's Variety (tho not organic but less expensive), Natural Pet Pantry (Seattle), and Darwin's Pet Delivery (Seattle).
Remember, you (or your animals) don't have to buy/use/consume every single thing listed above, every single day. I rotate what I give them and these are products I take myself so they are typically on hand (and I get much of it at wholesale). Begin with 1 thing (and I'd suggest Green Mush as the #1 supplement for animals, by far) and gradually rotate in the rest. You and your furry friends can master health and promote longevity; reap the benefits both NOW and LATER!
test post 3
3 years ago
Thank you Bethanne for this very important , valuable information. Blessings, Marina