We all come to a point in our lives where we can either take a gigantic leap forward, blindly and requiring faith in the unknown, or we stand still, doing hardly anything to move toward a brighter, more enlightened future. Worse yet, there are those of us that whether consciously or not, take steps backward, moving away from their ultimate purpose and giving in to an 'easier' life without accountability or responsibility. This blog entry is an impromptu subject yet based upon someone else's real, very recent experience and I am just the messenger of this message that must be shared. I know there are many out there who've gone through a similar roller coaster ride.
The raw foods lifestyle, as you may have read elsewhere, is not just about eating raw and living foods. Yes, it is about treating your body like the temple it is and your choices then reflect that, but it goes much deeper than that. If any of you are Get Fresh! magazine subscribers (my favorite reading raw for pleasure source), there is a fabulous article in the new Fall issue with Karen Knowler coaching a client through her delayed decision to be successfully raw. This particular article is quite relevant to my discussion here, and it's definitely worth reading if you have ever struggled with eating raw, were ever your own roadblock to success, or you made excuses that slowed the manifestation of your life's goals. ... Is anyone still reading THIS, or have you already zipped over to the article?! If we are honest with ourselves, I think we can ALL relate to this.
When you begin to eat clean, fresh, raw, ripe with life, living foods, the natural thing that happens can sometimes be unexpected. We shed layers of our previous 'self' because it no longer serves us. We still have the same values, interests, hobbies, etc., but everything else starts to shift (or does EVERYTHING shift?). Are we really happy with the work we are doing? Do we really know WHO we are .. and where are we going? And what exactly does that mean to someone who has felt mis-guided, unknowing, and uncertain most of their life? An emotional detox happens to the best of us, no matter our intention in wanting to avoid dealing with baggage that comes up. This breakthrough way of eating is what has kick started a dramatic shift in a good friend's perspective and attitude. He got on quite innocently and unknowing of the outcome, yet it's proven to be the craziest, yet most beautiful ride ... (and is still riding) ..
Sometimes we need to let go of where we've been (possibly a childhood incident or the failures in between then and adulthood) in order to move forward and embrace wholeheartedly where we are going, even if we have no idea where that will lead us. In unknowing, there is knowing; it's moving away from the past and into a life that we had no idea existed for us in the first place ... but it was there all along, and we did need the past to happen in order to bring us to where we stand today. For me, allowing only the best foods ever to enter my mouth has raised the standards for all that surrounds me. This is all about creating the life you dream of and want for yourself. I have found that eating this way has given me a solid foundation to which all else rests upon.
So, what does one do in the meantime? You tie yourself to the mast and let your ship guide itself through tumultuous waters, instead of being crazy in the mind and reckless at the wheel. In other words, wrap your arms around the living foods approach and let it be your guiding force. Have faith in the food you are putting into your body, and the mind will ultimately become more clear. A deep peace from within will find you.
test post 3
3 years ago
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