If you fear packing on the pounds, my suggestion is to let that go immediately and make it your New Years Resolution. Making decisions regarding health should not be based in fear. Decisions to prevent disease is fine I suppose, but I'd rather decide to be outrageously healthy because it feels amazing now, and avoiding all illness and dis-ease is the natural result (and bonus!) of these mindful choices.
Weight is such a touchy subject with women and it can make so many of us feel uncomfortable in our own skin. Yet, if you are making progress with your eating habits and constantly searching, reading, listening, and saturating yourself with health-promoting material, then THAT is what counts. The rest will fall into place in time if you're studying the right material.
If you want to take more control though and are feeling impatient, then juice. Add a fresh green vegetable juice to your diet EVERY SINGLE DAY and you will experience such weight loss and easy weight management that you won't believe your eyes.
When I began living the raw food lifestyle 2 years ago, I didn't have much weight to lose (if any, between 1-5 lbs). I was already super health-conscious and had been eating Superfoods for 6 years prior which had given me an effortless balance in my body in countless ways. However, what I did realize was that my body started to really take a different shape! This occurred without great effort in thinking about how to look thinner, more lean, and taller. For the 1st time EVER, I had a flat stomach and less fat and cellulite on my thighs!
Those who knew me in my early 20s know that I used to weigh 20-25 lbs more than I currently do. This is directly related to living an entirely different lifestyle that initiated with better eating habits. Until I began eating a high raw diet (90-100%), there was always struggle and frustration (we all have areas we're 'working on'). I did not realize that there was a way of eating (cliche but ever so true - a 'lifestyle') that would allow me to eat all I wanted - ideally with proper food combining. I could now have a similar body to the one I had before hormones, laziness, and poor food choices took over.
I bring up my background with this because fear was always present - I did not want to gain weight when I was younger and it was something I thought about often. Instead of focusing what I DID want, I made choices that were because I knew what I didn't want to be. I did not have this retrospect of course until I ate living food and became more conscious (which was yet another surprise of the sexy, fun lifestyle). You have to decide who you want to be, in addition to who you don't want to be!
When you are brought back to your natural weight through eating raw and living food, you can eat without being concerned about calories, fat grams, carbs, sodium, etc. on the label (because there are very few labels & they don't matter anyway!). Give yourself the chance to experience this freedom from obsessive, destructive thought patterns that lead to disappointment. Make it your resolution to live your best life yet ~ Only put food into your body that truly feeds you and gives you life.
test post 3
3 years ago